Orchard & Southern Railway Superintendent: Dennis Grigassy Station Location: E-Mail: dgrigassy@gmail.com Web Page: www.aabp.com/Trains Car Forwarding: RailOp Advanced - Including Dispatcher option Motive Control: CVP Easy DCC Size: 18'X 12' Scale: HO Communications: Voice to Dispatcher in adjoining room LayoutDescription:
Located on the second floor of my home in a 12'x18' room, the HO-scale Old Orchard & Southern Railway is built for operations, runs modern equipment, and has two 4-track staging areas, several towns w/switching, a turntable/roundhouse area, a branch-line, and an folded figure-eight twice around the room loop for continuous running. The railroad is operated as point-to-point with the turntable serving both "ends" of the run, uses wireless EasyDCC for control, and RailOp for computer-generated train manifests. The RailOp dispatcher's option is used for real-time scheduling of trains. While not a large layout, it can keep 2-3 operators busy for several hours.
Crew: 2- Road Engineers 1- Dispatcher 1- Branch Line Operator
Track Plan Layout Photos